Particle Board - A Misunderstood Material

Inadequate information and training on how to use the material have resulted in very poor press for Particle Board. Ambadas V Kamurthi, says the widespread usage of plywood is a fallout of this, as end products made of compromised Particle Board do not function well.
Snehal Vasani, Managing Director, Kitchen Grace India Pvt. Ltd., Pune, says that Particle Board took years to find acceptability in other countries too. He says, "The wood working industry is still growing in India, and this growth has not come to the European level where Particle Board is widely accepted; this will happen with time and awareness."

Ramu Ramakrishnan, Managing Director, Ramu Machinery Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru, adds that India faces resistance to Particle Board as the material has not been introduced in the right manner. He says, "While organized Particle Board manufacturers furnish quality products and are creating awareness, people reject the material purely because of the poor quality supplied via imports and low cost manufacturers.
It is time to change the thought process and educate the user that a modern engineered material will perform optimally with the use of modern machinery."