associatedecor - Lets Talk en UN MATERIALMAL ENTENDIDO <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded"><div class="blogA_misunderstood mb15"> <h3>A misunderstood material</h3> <img src="" alt="" class="imgBdr"> <p>Falta de información y de formación sobre la forma de utilizar el material han dado lugar a una muy mala reseña de prensa para los conglomerados.  Ambadas V Kamurthi, dice que el uso generalizado de la madera contrachapada es un efecto secundario de esto, ya quelos productos finales hechos de conglomerados peligrosos no funcionan bien.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong class="name">Snehal Vasani</strong>, <strong>Director General</strong>, de Kitchen Grace India Pvt. Ltd.,de Pune, dice que le tomó años a los conglomerados para encontrar aceptación en otros países. Él dice que, "La industria de la madera todavía está creciendo en la India, y este crecimiento no ha llegado al nivel Europeo en donde losconglomerados están ampliamente aceptados; esto va a suceder con el tiempo y la concienciación”.</p> </div> <div class="blogA_misunderstood"> <img src="" alt="" class="imgBdr"> <p><strong class="name">Ramu Ramakrishnan</strong>, <strong>Director General</strong>, deMaquinarias Ramu Ltd. Bengaluru, añade que la India enfrenta la resistencia a losconglomerados debido a que el material no ha sido introducido en la manera correcta. Él dice que, "A medida que los fabricantes organizados de los conglomeradosproporcionen productos de calidad y estén creando conciencia, las personas rechazan el material simplemente debido a la mala calidad suministrada a través de las importaciones y de los fabricantesde bajo costo.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Ya es hora de cambiar el proceso de pensamiento y educar al usuario acerca de que un material moderno funciona de forma óptima con el uso de una maquinaria moderna".</p> </div></div></div></div> Mon, 04 May 2015 12:35:16 +0000 admin 3283 at UM MAL ENTENDIDO MATERIAL <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded"><div class="blogA_misunderstood mb15"> <h3>A misunderstood material</h3> <img src="" alt="" class="imgBdr"> <p>Informações inadequadas e treinamento sobre como usar o material resultaram em PRENSA muito pobre para Painéis de Aglomerados. Ambadas V Kamurthi, diz que o uso generalizado da madeira compensada é uma precipitação desta, visto que produtos finais feitos de Painéis de aglomerado comprometidos não funcionam bem.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong class="name">Snehal Vasani</strong>, <strong>Diretor de Gestão</strong>, Kitchen Grace India Pvt. Ltd., Pune, diz que o painel de aglomerado levou anos para encontrar aceitação em outros países também. Ele diz: "A indústria que trabalha com madeira ainda está crescendo na Índia, e este crescimento não chegou ao nível europeu, onde o painel de aglomerado é amplamente aceito; isso vai acontecer com o tempo e consciência ".</p> </div> <div class="blogA_misunderstood"> <img src="" alt="" class="imgBdr"> <p><strong class="name">Ramu Ramakrishnan</strong>, <strong>Diretor de Gestão</strong>, Ramu Machinery Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru, acrescenta que a Índia enfrenta resistência aos painéis de aglomerado porque o material não foi introduzido de forma correta. Ele diz: "Enquanto os fabricantes de painéis de aglomerados organizados fornecem produtos de qualidade e estão criando consciência, as pessoas rejeitam o material puramente por causa da má qualidade fornecida através de importadores e produtores de baixo custo.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>É hora de mudar o processo de pensamento e educar o usuário de que um material de engenharia moderna terá um ótimo desempenho com a utilização de máquinas modernas. "</p> </div></div></div></div> Mon, 04 May 2015 12:19:49 +0000 admin 3282 at UN MATERIAU INCOMPRIS <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded"><div class="blogA_misunderstood mb15"> <h3>A misunderstood material</h3> <img src="" alt="" class="imgBdr"> <p>Le manque d'information et de formation sur la façon d'utiliser le matériel ont abouti à une très mauvaise presse pour les panneaux de particules. Ambadas V Kamurthi, dit que l'utilisation généralisée de contreplaqué est une répercussion de cela, comme les produits finis en panneaux de particules compromis ne fonctionnent pas bien.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong class="name">Snehal Vasani</strong>, <strong>Directeur général</strong>, Kitchen Grace India Pvt. Ltd., Pune, dit qu’il a fallu des années pour que les panneaux de particules soient acceptés dans d'autres pays. Il dit: «L’industrie du bois est encore en croissance en Inde, et cette croissance n’a pas atteint le niveau européen, où les panneaux de particules sont largement acceptés; ça va arriver avec le temps et la sensibilisation ".</p> </div> <div class="blogA_misunderstood"> <img src="" alt="" class="imgBdr"> <p><strong class="name">M. Ramu Ramakrishnan</strong>, <strong>le Directeur général</strong>, Ramu Machinery Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru, ajoute que l'Inde est en face d’une résistance aux Panneaux de particules parce que le matériel n'a pas été introduit de la bonne manière. Il dit: «Alors que les fabricants de panneaux de particules organisés fournissent des produits de qualité et créent la sensibilisation, les gens rejettent purement le matériau à cause de la mauvaise qualité fourni par les importations et les fabricants à faible coût.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Il est temps de changer le processus de pensée et d'éduquer l'utilisateur qu'un matériau moderne fonctionnera de manière optimale avec l'utilisation de machines modernes ".</p> </div></div></div></div> Mon, 04 May 2015 12:16:38 +0000 admin 3281 at LO QUE DEBE SABER <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded"><div class="blogA_whatKnow"> <h3>What one must know</h3> <ul class="justify"> <li><strong>Densidad :</strong> La densidad de los conglomerados es menor que la de la madera contrachapada marina. Esto significa que el tratamiento y la utilización del producto se diferencia de otros tablerostales como la madera contrachapada.</li> <li><strong>Maquinaria correcta :</strong> con los productos revestidos de melamina, uno debe asegurarse de que no hay picaduras en el papel impregnado. Para este Ashok Quadros recomienda el uso de una sierra principal y una sierra ranuradora, diciendo que usando una sierra jack, al tiempo que se cortaun tablero revestido demelamina causara picaduras bajo superficie donde el conglomerado es expuesto.</li> <li><strong>Preciso encolado de los cantos :</strong> Con 85 o 90 por ciento humedad ambiental, la humedad ingresa a través de los bordes, lo que requiere proceso de encolado más preciso. Cuando es hecho incorrectamente o con demora, lo que realmente atrapa es la humedad dentro de la junta.</li> <li><strong>Mantenimiento de las herramientas :</strong> La abrasión en el conglomerado produce contenido de aceite y resina enlas puntas de las herramientas de carburo de tungsteno requiriendo un correcto mantenimiento y limpieza después de un cierto número de usos (alrededor de 350 - 400 metros lineales).</li> <li><strong>Hardware :</strong>un conjunto específico de carpintería o de los accesorios deben utilizarse para los conglomerados. Esto incluye tornillos, tacos y mecanismos de adaptación. A. K. Goel, Director Gerente de Hettich India Ltd. , Mumbai , dice que los conglomerados tienen requisitos de hardware específicos, incluso en un producto tan simple como un tornillo. "El tornillo correcto debe ser hecho de un material adecuado ya que el metal que se utiliza para la madera y para los conglomerados son diferentes y el tono y la rosca del tornillo deben ser correctos".</li> </ul> </div></div></div></div> Mon, 04 May 2015 12:06:55 +0000 admin 3280 at O QUE É PRECISO SABER <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded"><div class="blogA_whatKnow"> <h3>What one must know</h3> <ul class="justify"> <li><strong>Densidade :</strong> A densidade do painel de aglomerado é menor do que a do contraplacado marítimo. Isto significa que o tratamento e a utilização do produto será diferente de outras placas, tais como o contraplacado.</li> <li><strong>Máquinas corretas :</strong> Com placa de melamina para os produtos de carcaça, é preciso garantir que não há nenhum lascar de papel impregnado. Para isso Ashok Quadros recomenda o uso de uma serra principal e uma serra de pontuação, já que o uso de uma serra jack ao cortar uma placa de melamina fará lascar na sub-superfície onde a placa de partícula está exposta.</li> <li><strong>Colagem precisa de bordas :</strong> Com 85 ou 90 por cento de umidade ambiente, a umidade ingressa através das bordas, o que exige o próximo processo de colagem de bordas. Quando feita de forma incorreta, ou atrasada, realmente aprisiona a umidade dentro do painel.</li> <li><strong>Manutenção da ferramenta :</strong> A abrasão no painel de aglomerado provoca teor de óleo e resina sobre as dicas de ferramentas de carboneto de tungstênio que necessitam de manutenção e limpeza correta depois de um certo número de utilizações (cerca de 350-400 metros lineares).</li> <li><strong>Hardware :</strong>Um conjunto específico de marcenaria ou acessórios devem ser usados ​​para painéis de aglomerados Isto inclui parafusos, cavilhas e mecanismos de adaptação. A. K. Goel, Diretor de Gestão da Hettich India Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, diz que o painel de aglomerado tem requisitos de hardware muito específicos, mesmo em um produto simples como um parafuso. "O parafuso correto deve ser feito de material adequado, como o metal utilizado para madeira e painel de aglomerado são diferentes o passo e a rosca do parafuso devem ser corretos."</li> </ul> </div></div></div></div> Mon, 04 May 2015 12:03:22 +0000 admin 3279 at CE QU'IL FAUT SAVOIR <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded"><div class="blogA_whatKnow"> <h3>CE QU'IL FAUT SAVOIR</h3> <ul class="justify"> <li><strong>Densité :</strong> La densité des panneaux de particules est inférieure à celle du contre-plaqué marin. Cela signifie que le traitement et l'utilisation du produit diffèrent des autres panneaux tels que le contreplaqué.</li> <li><strong>Adaptation de machines</strong> Avec les panneaux mélaminés pour les produits de la carcasse, il faut s’assurer qu'il n'y a pas d’écaillage du papier imprégné. Pour cela Ashok Quadros recommande l'utilisation de la scie principale et une incisure, parce que l'utilisation d'une scie égoïne en découpant un panneau mélaminé va causer l'écaillage sur la sous-surface où le Panneau de particules est exposé.</li> <li><strong>Precise edge-banding :</strong> With 85 or 90 percent ambient humidity, moisture ingresses through the edges, which necessitates the next process of edge banding. When incorrectly done, or delayed, it actually entraps the moisture within the board.</li> <li><strong>Placage précis</strong> Avec une humidité ambiante de 85 ou 90 pour cent, l'humidité pénètre à travers les bords, ce qui nécessite le prochain processus de placage de chants. Quand il est mal fait, ou retardé, il enferme l'humidité dans le panneau.</li> <li><strong>Matériel :</strong> Un ensemble spécifique de menuiserie ou de raccords doit être utilisé pour les panneaux de particules. Il comprend les vis, les chevilles et les mécanismes d'adaptation. A. K. Goel, le directeur général, Hettich India Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, dit que le panneau de particules a des exigences matérielles très spécifiques, même dans un produit aussi simple qu’une vis. "La bonne vis devrait être faite d'un matériau approprié comme le métal utilisé pour le bois et panneaux de particules sont différents et le pas et le filetage de la vis doivent être correctes." <strong>A. K. Goel</strong>, Managing Director, Hettich India Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, says Particle Board has very specific hardware requirements, even in as simple a product as a screw. “The right screw should be made of appropriate material as the metal used for wood and Particle Board are different and the pitch and the thread of the screw should be correct.”</li> </ul> </div></div></div></div> Fri, 24 Apr 2015 11:19:57 +0000 admin 3237 at PARTICLE BOARD IN INDIA: Myth and Reality <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded"><div class="blogA_whatKnow"> <h1>Particle Board in India : Myth &amp; Reality</h1> <!--<h3>PARTICLE BOARD IN INDIA: Myth and Reality</h3>--><p>India is a country with a tradition of 'real' wood furniture; of extensive usage of tropical hardwoods, teak (Tectona grandis), Indian rosewood (Dalbergia sissoo) and salwood (Shorea robusta) for furniture and carved handicraft, where sandalwood sits at the top of the scale of posh. Understandably, engineered panel products such as Particle Board have had tremendously poor press in a country where a worst-case scenario involves the use of plywood.</p> <p>This seems ironic as India has kept pace with industry trends in the furniture and interiors sector with the more developed markets of Europe, and is a large purchaser of furniture products from Italy and Germany, much of which is made with high quality Particle Board.</p> <p>In the coming series of blogs, we will try to understand the reasons behind the anomaly.</p> <p> </p> <h4>A quick look at the market</h4> <p>Indian suppliers offer a broad-spectrum range of products spanning all segments. While wood has broad usability and is used for the entire gamut of furniture, <a href="/particle-board-manufacturers">Particle Board</a> has more specific areas of usage. In the residential segment, the range includes bedroom furniture; beds, wardrobes and side tables; living and dining room furniture such as sideboards, shelving, storage and partitions, television units and trolleys and full kitchens. Office furniture offerings include the complete array of modular office furniture, modular partitions, full-length partitions, modular workstations and storage, computer tables, as well as conference furniture.</p> <p>Furniture products and intermediates for assembled furniture are supplied by <strong>three broad segments</strong> in the Indian milieu; <strong>largescale mass-manufacturers</strong> with sophisticated machinery and mass production capacities, <strong>medium-small scale manufacturers</strong> with mechanized production processes and <strong>small scale, atomistic semiskilled professionals</strong> who manufacture bespoke furniture for the broad populace and range in skill from high to low quality production. The levels of offering are vastly different between segments and cover a range of price and quality combinations.</p> <p>Overall, awareness of engineered wood products as well as the basic Indian hardwoods is high across both consumers and producers.</p> <p> </p> <p><em>However, the deeper one digs, the knowledge gaps become apparent.</em></p> <p>While everyone has heard of Particle Board, a significant segment fights shy of actually using it, for reasons based on both myth and reality. The basis is cultural, since Indians prefer the use of the 'real' woods but often don't actually use them, for reasons of economy or just the fact that the item of furniture might not validate the use of expensive timber.</p> <p> </p> <h4>current practice</h4> <p>In the residential sector, the traditional means of fitting out a home is to use the neighborhood carpenter. This is usually a semi-skilled artisan who has learned his skills in the time-honored convention of following Furniture products and intermediates are supplied by large-scale mass-manufacturers, medium-small scale manufacturers with mechanized production and small scale, semi-skilled professionals manufacturing bespoke furniture; a hereditary profession, learning on the job, often from a family member, and later setting up his own small practice and hiring apprentices, as appropriate.</p> <p>Despite being technically untrained, the 'village carpenter' method has worked well for rural, semi-urban and urban India, varying only in the degree of sophistication of tools used, and the 'pattern books' or design catalogs used for inspiration.</p> <p>This segment of professional has recently, in the last few decades, moved from using pure woods to using engineered wood products like plywood. However, their acceptance of the other set of engineered wood products, Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) and Particle Board, is low. Based on the extensive research done within the market, it appears that low awareness, not of the material itself, but of the correct usage and appropriate applications is the issue.</p> <p>This segment controls a significant proportion of the market, in terms of atomistic fit-outs for the residential sector, but lacks the know-how and the tools to manufacture furniture from Particle Board and continues the use of ply and wood, in the numerous small projects undertaken. <strong>C. M. Satheesh Kumar, Vice President Operations, Indian Furniture Products Limited (Zuari Furniture and Style Spa Furniture)</strong>, Tiruvallur, says the size of this carpenter-driven segment though large, is falling. "When we started, the residential furniture industry was 93 percent in the unorganized sector, and this is now around 85%."</p> <p>The picture is almost completely the opposite in the commercial sector, which includes the office, hospitality and retail segments, where furniture and complete fit-outs are often done on a turn-key basis either by medium-scale OEMs or architects who control the project and have their own in-house team of carpenters, use a regular contractor or sub-contract an OEM to do the job.</p> <p>The material of choice, in this sector, appears to be Particle Board, based on the nature of the furniture and fit-outs required and the commercials.<strong> Ashok Quadros, Director, MultiFlex, Mumbai</strong> says, "Particle Board as a material, has absolutely no problem. We are using it for the last 24 years to service numerous hospitality projects and projects for multinationals running into millions of sqm and we don't have any issues because we use 'virgin' Particle Board i.e. boards made from a single species."</p> </div> </div></div></div> Mon, 06 Apr 2015 09:48:25 +0000 admin 3212 at A misunderstood material <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded"><div class="blogA_misunderstood mb15"> <h1 class="subHeading mb10">Particle Board - A Misunderstood Material</h1> <!--<h3>A misunderstood material</h3>--> <img src="" alt="" class="imgBdr"> <p>Inadequate information and training on how to use the material have resulted in very poor press for Particle Board. Ambadas V Kamurthi, says the widespread usage of plywood is a fallout of this, as end products made of compromised <a href="/particle-board-manufacturers">Particle Board</a> do not function well.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong class="name">Snehal Vasani</strong>, <strong>Managing Director</strong>, Kitchen Grace India Pvt. Ltd., Pune, says that Particle Board took years to find acceptability in other countries too. He says, "The wood working industry is still growing in India, and this growth has not come to the European level where Particle Board is widely accepted; this will happen with time and awareness."</p> </div> <div class="blogA_misunderstood"> <img src="" alt="" class="imgBdr"> <p><strong class="name">Ramu Ramakrishnan</strong>, <strong>Managing Director</strong>, Ramu Machinery Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru, adds that India faces resistance to Particle Board as the material has not been introduced in the right manner. He says, "While organized Particle Board manufacturers furnish quality products and are creating awareness, people reject the material purely because of the poor quality supplied via imports and low cost manufacturers.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>It is time to change the thought process and educate the user that a modern engineered material will perform optimally with the use of modern machinery."</p> </div></div></div></div> Sat, 24 Jan 2015 11:22:51 +0000 admin 92 at What one must know <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded"><div class="blogA_whatKnow"><h1 class="subHeading mb10">What one must know about Particle Board?</h1> <ul class="justify"> <li><strong>Density :</strong> The density of <a href="/particle-board-manufacturers">Particle Board</a> is lower than that of marine plywood. This means the treatment and use of the product will differ from other boards such as plywood.</li> <li><strong>Correct machinery :</strong> With <a href="/melamine-faced-chipboard-manufacturers">Melamine Faced board</a> for carcase products, one must ensure that there is no chipping of the impregnated paper. For this Ashok Quadros recommends the use of a main saw and a scoring saw, saying that using a jack saw while cutting a Melamine Faced board will cause chipping on the under-surface where the Particle Board is exposed.</li> <li><strong>Precise edge-banding :</strong> With 85 or 90 percent ambient humidity, moisture ingresses through the edges, which necessitates the next process of edge banding. When incorrectly done, or delayed, it actually entraps the moisture within the board.</li> <li><strong>Tool maintenance :</strong> The abrasion on the Particle Board causes oil content and resin on the tungsten carbide tool tips necessitating correct maintenance and cleaning after a certain number of uses (around 350 – 400 linear meters).</li> <li><strong>Hardware :</strong> A specific set of joinery or fittings must be used for Particle Board. This includes screws, dowels and adaptation mechanisms. <strong>A. K. Goel</strong>, Managing Director, Hettich India Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, says Particle Board has very specific hardware requirements, even in as simple a product as a screw. "The right screw should be made of appropriate material as the metal used for wood and Particle Board are different and the pitch and the thread of the screw should be correct."</li> </ul> </div></div></div></div> Sat, 24 Jan 2015 11:17:20 +0000 admin 91 at